Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Government, budgets and me.

Here in Canada our government operates on a parliamentary form of government, inherited from Britian and adapted to our unique Canadian situation. One aspect of the parliamentary form of government is that the finance minister prepares a budget detailing how it will deal with taxes and the government programs will be supported by the money the government has available to spend. There are lots of programs the governemnt can choose to support, or not, as it deem fit. The government can choose to support environmental projects to support the reduction of global warming (Kyoto), produce tax cuts, provide more money to cities for rapid transit, roads. They can choose to spend money on programs aimed at helping keep troubled youth out of the justice system. The government can also put money into programs aimed at providing affordable housing for low income families and the homeless There is a crying need to build housing for the homeless, yes even here in Canada many persons still have nowhere to hang their hat at the end of the day.

Today I checked a news online forum asking posters to comment on the budget recently presented by our government. I was dismayed by many of the posts I read. Many posters were concerned with what benefit they would receive from the federal budget. Would the government be benefiting them financially with some new program or tax cut. At tax time would they be paying less in taxes. Basically what is in this budget which will directly benefit me.

I am dismayed by these responses. Sure no one wants to pay more taxes or get fewer benefits from government. I want the same things, but this is not the point. I am reasonably well off. I live a comfortable life many in the world, and even in Canada would envy. I am not rich, but I do not lack anything that truly matters. I consider myself part of the comfortable middle calss.

When I read the comments posted about the budget, what leapt out at me were the many posts wondering what is there for me in this budget. When I read an analysis of what our government's spending priorities are in this budget, I am left with a sad, sinking feeling. This present Canadian government has very little in their budget for those members of our society who need our help. There is little for the vulnerable, those who need society's help. Programs are being cut which help children from lower income families in trouble with the law. There is nothing from the government to build affordable housing for low income families and the homeless. Instead there are a few tax cuts for the middle income families and large tax cuts for the wealthy and big business. I consider myself part of the middle income group and I can fend for myself very well without a tax cut (and even would not be hurt if my taxes were to increase). The rich and big business do not need a large tax break. But the low income families, the truly poor, and the homeless do need help. My taxes are NOT going were the need is greatest. Where is the help from the government for the poor struggling families? Where is the funding for programs which work with troubled youth, many from our inner cities? Where is funding to help build affordable housing. I would have more faith in our government if I had seen more help for those least able to help themselves in the government's budget. For many commenting on the recent federal budget, the focus is "Me, me, me!!!" Its what's in it for me. Where is the concern for others beyond ourselves? Where is the concern for those who need our help? Where is the concern for humanity as a whole? Why isn't there less concern for "me" and more concern for others?

After reading the comments posted at this news forum I am left with an empty feeling in the bottom of my stomach.

Sadly I suspect our politicians focus federal budgets on those most likely to vote. The poor and homeless are not a group known to turn out to vote in large numbers. These persons can be ignored.

P.S. If you live with in driving distance of a homeless shelter why not consider giving the shelter a phone call and ask them how you may help them. Its easy. Often they can use coffee and tea, any unused clothing, some food (canned food is good). Support for the food bank is also needed. If the government fails to support the poor, we as individuals can still do our part. We may not be able to have the same impact since we do not have access to the larger amounts of money government funding would potentially provide. Still every small bit each person provides helps.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Frustrations and death and life.

Some times web pages which require the user to log in end up frustrating me. I have entered my password and user name only to be not quite able to decode the letters I need to type in to prove that I am a real pserson and not a spam bot. Errrgh! Today I heard that typing in a series of letters to prove the user is human may be a thing of the past. Spam bots which post spam messages are getting too good at optical character recognition and can identify the letters. In the future I understand we will be presented with picture recognition. We will be asked the name of an item in a picture, i.e. a coffee cup, pencil, car, cat. Picture recognition is still hard for non-human spam bots to accomplish. Now maybe logins will be simpler---if only I can remember how to spell pensil???

Today was a warm spring day and the snow has begun to melt. Also today a friend's cat died at the age of eighteen. This has got me thinking about life and death. Soon the snow will be gone and the bulbs planted in our front garden will begin to appear, some of the earliest actually appear before all the snow has melted. All around there is a sense that the death of winter is morphing into the new life of spring.

I am not totally clear with my thoughts in this post. Pardon me if I ramble a bit. With the death of my friend's cat I have been reflecting on death more than usual. I think about my parents who are now in their 80's. Death is something I will have to deal with sooner than later given their advanced ages. But death is not something I dread, even if it is a close loved one such as a parent. Death enables new life. Just as winter comes to an end and slowly spring replaces the dead of winter so I believe that when a person dies after a long life their death makes way for the new life after they are gone.

It will be hard when my parents die. I will grieve and hurt for awhile, but I don't think i will be sad. Death is natural and a part of the way things should be.

One more comment about y friend and her Cat. It is pefectly natural to be sad when our much loved pet dies. These animals were an important part of our lives for many years. They loved us unconditionally. How could we not grieve when a treasured member of our family dies, even if it is a four legged furry friend, a cat or dog.

Aside--my radio just began playing Pacabel's Cannon...this tune is very emotional for me...combined with the news of the death of my friend's cat leaves me in a very reflective mood about death,.....and life.